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You Are Not Your Own

Erica Alexander

Read and meditate on 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

Luke 12:20 But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?”

These days one can walk into the Christian bookstore and see many books written by people who do not guide and direct people toward Jesus Christ or the written Word of God, but rather toward self-help talk and ways to make your life better, that everything should be all about you. Curious, since when is your life all about you? Do you find that to be a difficult question to hear, even answer? Your life is not your own when you commit to the Lord Jesus Christ!

As a follower of Jesus Christ, are you struggling to answer what it is you’re supposed to be doing here? Have you been taught that you are to accumulate wealth and build bigger buildings that will house the homeless, feed the hungry, and provide care for the hurting or as one Texas pastor put it, “If you build the church to look like a stadium, the people will come”? I remember being in Honduras meeting families who barely had anything to accumulate and had a small structure they called home, but what they had in abundance to share was joy, vision, and hope.

If God tells you to build it, by all means, do it! Walk out that obedience. But for most Christians, God is not asking us to build more and accumulate more; He’s telling us to partner with those who have established those structures and are currently working ground zero. When you research an area of ministry you want to participate in and feel called to, there’s a very good chance that God has already established that type of ministry. Get on board with them as God opens the door for you; learn all that you can from them and either stick with them, or go to the next place God sends you. He’s telling us to pitch our tents, move to the next place, and to do this often. We can’t move freely if we’re tied to a structure and have accumulated much. Those things will delay us walking out our purpose and calling.

This earth is not our home. Many of us have forgotten that and we continue to look for ways to build and accumulate. Never forget that you are not your own and that the price paid for you was a priceless act of King Jesus. As we move into this new year, respond to the life He has given you that is meant to glorify God in word, action, and deed.

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